Neurotransmitter testing

IPPM is the only clinic in Slovakia to offer a non-invasive screening test of neurotransmitter levels from a urine sample. The test covers a wide range of all major neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin or noradrenaline, which play a key role in the regulation of emotions, mood, motivation and also in the development of various psychiatric disorders and diseases.


What are neurotransmitters and how does the test work?

Mental fatigue, moodiness, stress, depression, feelings of hopelessness, hallucinations, schizophrenia and even Parkinson's disease are all linked to an imbalance of important chemicals in the brain - called neurotransmitters. When the amount of neurotransmitters is insufficient, signal transmission between neurons is disrupted, resulting in mood disorders and general emotional instability. Excessive amounts of neurotransmitters in the brain, on the other hand, can lead to overstimulation of neurons, which can be equally problematic.

At IPPM, we offer a non-invasive neurotransmitter analysis from urine to determine the level of each neurotransmitter in your body. The test is characterized by its simplicity and the wide range of neurotransmitters included in the results. We recommend the test to anyone who is interested in improving their mental state and emotional balance. Based on the results, we will advise you on what specific changes to make to help you improve your vitality and emotional well-being.

However, please note that this test is not a substitute for psychological or psychiatric examination. The results of the urine neurotransmitter levels are only indicative and cannot be used for diagnosing mental or psychiatric illnesses.

Which neurotransmitters are included in the results?


Dopamine plays a key role in many processes including: motivation, concentration, mood regulation, movement regulation, addiction formation...


Serotonin, also known as the happiness hormone, is important in regulating: mood and emotions, sleep and biological clocks, appetite and digestion...


Glutamate is a so-called excitatory neurotransmitter, it primarily affects: learning and memory, cognitive function and sensory perception...


Adrenaline, like norepinephrine, is one of the stress hormones. In response to stress, it increases: heart rate, blood flow to muscles, concentration...


Norepinephrine is one of the stress hormones, it influences: concentration, modulation of heart rate and other physiological responses to stress...


Gamma-aminobutyric acid is a neurotransmitter that has an inhibitory effect. It regulates anxiety and stress reactions, sleep and muscle tension...

Vyšetrenie hladiny neurotransmiterov

How can neurotransmitter level testing help you?

Too low or too high levels of certain neurotransmitters can cause disturbances in mood, motivation and concentration, sleep, increased stress or overeating, or lack of appetite. Long-term imbalances in neurotransmitter levels are also associated with the development of conditions such as depression, anxiety or even serious psychiatric and neurological illnesses.

Early detection of imbalances in neurotransmitter levels and targeted treatment measures (including relaxation techniques, psychotherapy, sports, special diets and supportive therapies aimed at restoring neurotransmitter reserves) can help prevent the development of more serious psychological problems.

The test is recommended primarily as a preventive measure, or for patients who suffer from some of the above-mentioned problems only in a mild form. However, in case of more serious/long-term psychological problems, we recommend seeing a psychologist or psychiatrist first for diagnosis and treatment.

How does the process work?