Complaints & Returns policy




Institute of Predictive and Personalized Medicine, s. r. o.

Headquarters: Nábr. arm. gen. L. Svobodu 32, 811 02 Bratislava, Slovak Republic

ID: 47 217 642

VAT: 2023794201, VAT NUMBER: SK2023794201

The company is registered in the Commercial Register of the Municipal Court Bratislava III, Section: Sro, Entry No.: 90058/B

Telephone number: +421 911 212 838



Complaints Regulations valid and effective from 07.05.2024.



1.1 - The Complaints Procedure generally regulates all legal relations between IPPM and the Customer, in the application and handling of the Customer's Complaints regarding the quality, shortcomings and defects in relation to the Services provided. The Customer shall be entitled to make a Complaint in the event of defects or deficiencies exclusively in relation to the Services provided by IPPM.

1.2 - The Complaints Procedure is an integral part of the GTC and the Contract concluded between IPPM and the Customer.

1.3 - The Complaints Procedure in this form is valid for all cases of Complaints, unless special Complaints Conditions are agreed or unless otherwise stipulated by applicable law.

1.4 - IPPM's liability towards Customers as well as the rights of liability for defects that belong to the Customer are governed in the case of the Customer by Article V of these Complaints Regulations, as well as by the relevant legislation of the Slovak Republic, in particular the relevant provisions of the Civil Code, the Consumer Protection Act, the Act on Consumer Protection in Distance Selling, and other generally binding legislation.



2.1 - The Customer is obliged to make a Complaint immediately after discovering the claimed fact, but no later than within 6 (six) months. 

2.2 - The Customer is entitled to make a Complaint in writing in one of the following ways:

a) by electronic means (e-mail) to: or

b) in writing to the Institute of Predictive and Personalised Medicine, s. r. o., Odbojárov 300/4, Tovarníky 955 01, Slovak Republic.

2.3 - The Complaint must be qualified, i.e. it must be clear from the Complaint who submits it, what is claimed and it must be submitted without delay within the time limit according to point 2.1 of these Complaint Regulations. 

2.4 - In the Complaint, the Customer shall provide in particular his/her identification data and a detailed description of the complained of fact (justification of the Complaint), as well as his/her requirements for the elimination of the defect and the implementation of the remedy. In its own interest, the Customer is obliged to attach to the Complaint all documents proving the facts alleged by it.



3.1 - In the case of a Claim made by means of remote communication, IPPM shall immediately deliver to the Customer a confirmation of the Claim; if such confirmation of the Claim cannot be delivered immediately, it shall be delivered without undue delay, but at the latest together with the proof of processing of the Claim; the confirmation of the Claim does not have to be delivered if the Customer has the possibility to prove the Claim in another way.

3.2 - The Customer is obliged to provide IPPM with the necessary cooperation necessary for the processing of the Complaint. 

3.3 - The Customer's Complaint will generally be handled immediately, in complex cases no later than within 3 (three) Business Days from the date of the Complaint, in justified cases, especially if a complex evaluation of the Complaint is required, no later than within 30 (thirty) Days from the date of the Complaint. IPPM shall issue to the Customer a written proof of the processing of the Complaint no later than 30 (thirty) Days from the date of the Complaint. 



4.1 - IPPM will keep the Customer informed about the process of handling as well as the method of handling the Complaint.

4.2 - Disposal of a Complaint shall mean the conclusion of the Complaint in one of the following ways: (i) disposition of the Complaint, in whole or in part, in accordance with the Customer's requirements set out in the Complaint, or (ii) in any other appropriate manner, or (iii) a reasoned rejection of the Complaint. IPPM shall provide the Customer with written reasons for the rejection of the Complaint or the denial of liability for defects in the Services.

4.3 - The Customer has the right to reimbursement of the costs reasonably incurred in connection with the reasonable and proper assertion of the Complaint, this right must be asserted with IPPM no later than 1 (one) month from the date of completion of the complaint procedure, otherwise the right will expire.



5.1 - IPPM shall be responsible to the Customer for the quality and accuracy of the Services when provided to the Customer. 

5.2 - If there is a defect in the Service that can be remedied, the Customer shall have the right to demand that such defect in the Service be remedied free of charge, in a timely and proper manner.

5.3 - If there is a defect in the Service which cannot be remedied and which prevents the Service from being provided as a non-defective Service (destruction of the Sample on the part of IPPM or the Laboratory, etc.), the Customer shall have the right to (i) have the Service, or part of it, re-provided free of charge (in accordance with the T&C), or (ii) withdraw from the Contract. The Customer shall have the same rights in the case of defects which, although remediable, cannot be properly used by the Customer due to the reoccurrence of the defect after the repair or due to a greater number of defects in the Services. In the case of other irremediable defects, the Customer shall be entitled to a reasonable discount on the Price of the Services.

5.4 - The Customer is entitled to decide which of the rights under the liability for defects it claims, and the Customer is obliged to notify IPPM of its decision together with the application of the Claim or without undue delay after the application of the Claim, so that IPPM can determine the manner of handling the Claim. 

5.5 - IPPM shall not be liable for any defects in the Service caused by the Customer, which are caused by unauthorised and unprofessional intervention, use or failure to follow instructions, or which are due to force majeure (natural phenomena, floods, hail, etc.) or circumstances excluding liability.

5.6 - If the Contract includes instructions for use when purchasing the Services and the Customer fails to comply with these instructions, the Customer shall not be entitled to claim for defects in the Services.



6.1 - The terms and conditions of these Complaints Regulations shall apply mutatis mutandis to the manner and procedure for dealing with complaints and complaints.

6.2 - The Customer is entitled to make any complaint or complaint to IPPM in writing in one of the following ways:

a) by electronic means (e-mail) to: or

b) in writing to the Institute of Predictive and Personalised Medicine, s. r. o., Odbojárov 300/4, Tovarníky 955 01, Slovak Republic.



The Customer, who is a natural person - a consumer, has the right to contact IPPM with a request for redress, sent to the address of IPPM's registered office or to the e-mail address, if he is not satisfied with the manner in which IPPM has handled his Complaint, or if he believes that IPPM has otherwise violated his rights. If IPPM responds to the request for redress in a negative manner or fails to respond within 30 (thirty) Days from the date of its dispatch, the Customer shall have the right to turn to an alternative dispute resolution entity in order to protect his/her consumer rights under the relevant provisions of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Act and to attempt to reach an agreement to resolve the dispute in accordance with the procedure provided for by law. Alternative dispute resolution does not apply to disputes with a quantifiable value not exceeding EUR 20.00. Alternative Dispute Resolution applies only to a dispute between the Customer - consumer and IPPM arising out of or related to the Contract. The subject of alternative dispute resolution is: 


Slovak Trade Inspection

Central Inspectorate

Department for International Relations and Alternative Dispute Resolution

with registered office at Bajkalská 21/A, p. p. 29, 827 99 Bratislava 27, Slovak Republic



with more detailed information available at, or the relevant authorised legal entity registered in the list of alternative dispute resolution entities maintained by the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic (the list is available at…). In the case of a Contract concluded electronically, the Customer may use the online dispute resolution platform available at for alternative dispute resolution. All other rights and obligations of IPPM and the Customer in connection with alternative dispute resolution shall be governed by the provisions of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Act.